Discover the enchanting Children's Potion Party hosted by The Good Witch Salem at the Salem Waterfront Hotel! Young witches and wizards will embark on a magical journey through four immersive potion stations:
1. Bubbling Cauldrons: Stir and mix your own cauldron, witnessing magical bubbles and fizz.
2. Potion Brewing: Follow secret recipes to concoct potions that change color and sparkle.
3. Sand Potions: Craft mesmerizing sand potions with layers of enchanted sand to take home.
4. Surprise Station: Uncover mysterious surprises that will enchant young guests.
Throughout the event, children can also meet The Good Witch of Salem for book signings, photos, and special meet-and-greet moments. Timed entry slots ensure a smooth and magical experience for all attendees, allowing each child ample time to explore and enjoy every potion station. Please note: This event does not include food service.
$55 per person, timed ticketing.
There are no upcoming dates scheduled for this event.