Event Info



281 County Rd.
Barrington, RI 02806

Spirits of New England with Dustin Pari

This lecture tells a bit of Dustin’s personal story and steps that he himself took in Understanding The Paranormal. Learn more about how parts of the spirit world are classified, hallmark signs to look for, and what to be aware of.  A great lecture for researchers looking to learn more, or just get a bit of a chill up their spine.

With over 25 years of experience researching the unknown, Dustin Pari brings exciting and positive lectures about the paranormal all across the country, As a part of SyFy television's Ghost Hunters, Ghost Hunters International, and appearances on Destination Truth and Ghost Nation, Dustin has traveled the world over looking for answers and expanding his understanding of the unseen realm.

Admission: This is a FREE, library-hosted event held at the Barrington Public Library. As such, it's always smart to check with the Barrington Library to see if there is still a registration requirement.

Event Times

Spirits of New England with Dustin Pari

  • Tuesday, October 28, 7:00pm - 8:00pm